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EXEDRA'S, Cleveland's area near the front bar; while the newest gay bar became a reality Tuesday, August 8.

On that night Vance and Mary, owners of Exedra's, opened the doors of the club to their many invited guests and friends from the Community. Judging from the packed dance floor and crowded condition of the entire establishment, the evening was a total and tremendous success.

Situated in downtown Cleveland, 1762 East 18 Street (between Payne & Chester Avenues), the club has both an "intimate" and a "happening" atmosphere. For those who might want a somewhat private feeling, there is the loge-type

lighted, three-tiered dance floor offers both a great disco sound and a terrific light show for others. Both sound and light systems were put together by Entertain Dynamics, Inc., a Cleveland based group.

When asked about club memberships, Vince replied, "We are a gay bar and expect to stay that way. We want a large membership and any gay person will be included. But we don't want the "straights!" They will be kept out unless they are guests of gay members."

Concerned about security and safety in regard to the location as well as the building, this


FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH of Springfield, Ohio, which formerly me: at the YWCA, wishes to announce that they now meet for Worship each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in their


location a: The MACHINISTS UNION HALL located at 104 N. Wittenberg Ave. at Columbia St. The nice wood-paneled hall is airconditioned for your comfort

and has an off-street parking lot at the side.


reporter made a tour of the place. Private security people patrol the ample parking lots as well as the neighboring streets. Also, a cordial but "only as needed" relationship with the police is maintained. In addition to this, fire security is good; virtually nothing in the club is "burnable" and fire exits are easily accessible.

In response to questions about the image of the new club and how they would like to



Metropolitan Church Akron was visited by two of the top ministers in the fellowship during the Spiritual Renewal weekend. Of course, these two were the Founder and Moderator of Metropolitan Community Churches throughout the world the Reverend Elder Troy D. Perry and the Reverend Elder Freda Smith, Needless to say, this Spiritual Renewal was one of the most moving experiences that any of us in attendance have ever encountered. Over 100 were attending each event. The weekend was jammed

with activities from services led by both Rev. Smith and Rev. Perry to special seminars on Women In The Church and Christian Social Action to an excellent picnic on Sunday morning. Another highlight of the weekend was the Holy Union of Rev. Karen J. Wheeler and Rev. Angie S. Urbertino.

All in all, it is no wonder why MCC-Akron is growing so rapidly... with weekly attendance now averaging over 60, this is truly a positive moving factor in our community.

project that image, the owners UCC DECLARES MORATORIUM

answered, "We hope that gay people will see it as a good, happy and safe place to partyhard!"

The Rev. Dr. David L. Downing and has a Program geared to the needs of The Gay Community, as well as to the Com-

Faith Community Church is incorporated under the Laws of The State of Ohio as a Non-munity-A:-Large. For further inDenominational Educational and Charitable Organization. The Independent Church received its Charter from The State in May of this year.

The Church is Pastored by

formation regarding The Church's Beliefs. Policies and Activities or for Private Consultations By Appointment, you may contact Dr. Downing by writing to P.O. Box 1814. Springfield, Ohio 45501.


...Did You Know? King James who sponsored the first English translation of the Bible was gay....

...The Three of Cups, predominantly a women's bar, has recently re-opened as "The Side Door" at 12814 Buckeye, Cleveland....

...Another Gay Barrier Broken-Science fiction authors are now more openly treating homosexuality as a legitimate interest. Not only are the younger, avant-garde writers being open with the idea, but also the old hands' are right in there with some of the best and furthest out (read progressive) treatments; e.g. Imperial Earth by Arthur C. Clarke of 2001 fame (GayLife)....

A major new study of homosexuality, conducted by the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, concludes that many gay men and women lead completely stable lives and are happier and better adjusted than most heterosexuals. (GayLife)...

Many Gays in Ohio are now using channel 16 on their 20 channel CB radios to converse. One CBer reports that the best time to talk is during the hours of 6pm til midnight....

Congratulations to Vince & Mary on the very successful opening of EXEDRA's. Your club is a welcome addition to the Cleveland Gay Scene ...

....Singer Eartha Kitt has spoken out in Washington against another singer-Anita Bryant. Kitt called Bryant's crusade "dangerous to this country." Call Bryant "an op-

pressive person," Kitt said, "As long as we allow this kind of oppression to go on, we are not fulfilling what this country needs. The main issue is human rights."...(B.A.R.)

...The Buckeye Rainbow Society of the Deaf and Richard's Nite Club (Mansfield) will present SUMMER FINALE, October 8 from 12pm to 9pm at Michael's Locust Park. The park is located on Jaegger Road in Lorain, Ohio. Beer, mix, games, hot dogs, disco dancing and A GOOD TIME will be featured with a full dinner to be served at 5:00 pm. For reservations write to B.R.S.D.; P.O. Box 6072, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 or call (419) 526-9119. Tickets are $7.00.

...Two leading Democrats have said they will work to defeat the Brigg's Initiative. They are US Senator Alan Cranston who called the proposal, "the most dangerous piece of legislation and the greatest threat to civil liberties I have seen in a long time" and US Representative Philip Burton, leader Democratic


Congressional circles, who pledged to do all he can to see the initiative is defeated in November. He called the bill "incredibly dangerous" and said he will use his support to make the resources of the Democratic Party available to fight it: (GayLife)....

...The US Civil Service Commission ruled July 21 that homosexuality is not sufficient grounds for a dismissal of an employee who is performing his job satisfactorily.

Tiffin, Ohio: Acting on a resolution concerning "response to Gay and Bisexual persons," the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ voted to "declare a moratorium upon further resolutions on these issues," until further study. could be completed by a Conference task force on sexuality.

"There is perhaps no other issue that will cause as much soul-searching for the church," said Rev. Daniel Vanden Ploeg, minister for church planning and education of the Ohio Conference. "However," he continued, "the United Church of Christ has been carefully nonjudgmental on this issue." An original resolution, con-

By Carl Howard

...Leonard Matlovitch, subject of the made-for-television drama shown on NBC-TV stations August 21, is not completely happy with NBC's decision tc air the program. Apparently there were indications that the network would not be promoting it. "If that turns out to be true," Matlovitch said, "I will scream to the press about censorship by fear." (GCN)....

..."You'll never have the comfort of our silence again!!! (from a sign seen in the Pennsylvania Gay Pride March)....

..."A Gay Parents' Legal Guide to Child Custody," a new booklet meant to take the mystery out of custody battles is available through the AntiSexism Committee, National Lawyers Guild, 558 Capp St., San Francisco, C.A. 94110 (415863-3762)...

...More than 200 Bay Area physicians have formed the nation's first formal organization of homosexual doctors. A year old in July, Bay Area Physicians for Human Rights has grown so fast it has astounded its own leaders, who first feared they might have problems talking doctors into associating with an openly gay group. "We just want to let people know there are more than 200 gay doctors in the San Francisco area. That in itself is as important statement that people are going to have to deal with. They are going to have to destroy their old stereotypes that we are all emotional cripples and child molesters and realize that we are out there saving lives, doing everything non-gay physicians


(San Francisco


Jerry Weller, the first openly gay person to be elected secretary of the Multnomah County (Oregon) Democratic Party, quipped in his campaign speech, "I'm not afraid to take stands on controversial issues; after all, some people think I am a controversial issue!" (The Advocate)....

Thirty-six convictions on charges of public indecency and sexual imposition have been handed down by the Hamilton County Municipal Court (Cincinnati) as result of 70 arrests in a police crackdown of activity in city parks. According to gays in the city, the police intentionally timed the arrests to sabotage the controversial human rights ordinance being considered by the City Council....

...California Gov. Jerry Brown, keeping a promise made to the state's gay community has appointed a gay person to a position in his administration. Brown announced the appointment of David Goodstein, publisher of the Advocate, to the new State Advisory Council on Economic



...A handwriting expert from the San Diego (CA) district attorney's office said that there were some forged signatures on petitions circulated in support of the anti-gay initiative in that county. Forgery charges will be filed if the guilty person or persons can be identified. At the same time, a similar investigation is taking place in Orange County based on

taining not only a condemnation of "homosexual acts," but also a confusing condemnation of "bisexual acts," was discarded, in favor of the moratorium resolution. Support on both Isides of the issue was strong. Many gay supporters were visibly so, as were the ranks of the non-supporters, some of whom were members of the newly-formed United Church People for Biblical Witness. This group plans to oppose any resolutions supportive of gay lifestyles. While there is no state gay caucus in the UCC in Ohio, a national group, the UCC Gay Caucus, may be contacted at P.O. Box 24005, Philadelphia, PA. 19139.

testimony of a woman who said she had been hired to sign the names of voters to blank petitions. (The Advocate).....

...Dr. David Grimes of the Family Planning Evaluation Division at the Center for Disease Control says that circumcision is a throwback to a more primitive medical era, and "appears to lack sufficient medical justification?" Noting that the primary justification of circumcision is cleanliness, Grimes also noted that this might be accomplished with soap and water. (Gayweek)... ...The Massachusetts Teachers Association voted at its annual meeting against a resolution which called for "severe penalities against child pornographers and those who profit from or are involved in child prostitution." Many delegates feared that the wording of the resolution would "pander to Bryant-like homophobia." (GCN)

... The Ohio First District Court of Appeals has struck down a law prohibiting a person from soliciting another person of the same sex for sexual activity when the offender knows the solicitation will be offensive. The majority opinion, written by Judge Robert Clark, Jr., stated that the importuning law was unconstitutional because it was an "overbroad restriction of speech." (Enquirer)...

Dignity Cleveland will hold their annual rummage sale on September 16th. If you have any usable items to donate, please call 791-0942....